Angular Position Transducers
The angular position transmitters from Camille Bauer are precision instruments and serves theacquisition of angular position and rotation, processing and the provision of measured values aselectric output signals for the downstream device. They converts the angular position of a shaft into aload-independent direct current signal, proportional to the angular position.
The robust design makes the angular position transmitters of the KINAX WT7xx series particularlysuited to applications in rough environments. The products are used in many areas, preferably inlarge machine construction, industrial plants, power plant construction, ship and offshore facilities,crane vehicles, large transport vehicles, dredger and drilling equipment.
The compact design of the KINAX to be installed or for surface mounting makes the angular positiontransmitters particularly suited to the installation in or mounting on devices and apparatuses. Theproducts are used in many applications, e.g. railway engineering, industrial plants, ship building, powerplant construction and gate positions.
Main features
• Simple connection technology with 2 , 3 , 4 wire or plug connector M12
• Absolut angular position is immediately available after switch on
• Non mechanical abrasion, low annual maintenance
• Vibration and shock-resistant
• Versions non programmable and programmable
• Analogue or digital output signals in CANopen and SSI with M12-plug connector
• Available in type of protection “Intrinsic safety”EExia IIC T6
Common applications
Wind and solar energy plants
• Horizontal nacelle alignment to determinethe wind direction, monitor the rotor bladeposition and speed of the rotor
• Exact alignment of solar panels and parabolicmirrors
Guide vanes, throttle valves and slidegatesof power plants
• Exact positioning and monitoring of guidevanes, turbine controls, throttle valves andslidegates
• Exact determination of rudder and propellerposition
Crane vehicles, fork-lift trucks and heavydutyvehicles
• Exact positioning of crane jibs and the fork offork-lift trucks
• Precise position measurement in industrialand dockside cranes as well as swivelmeasurement in heavy-duty vehicles
Dredgers and drilling equipment
• Measurement of suction arm depths insuction dredgers
• Acquisition and positioning of dredger armsand depth measurement in rotary drillingequipment

Inclination Transducers
The inclination transmitter from Camille Bauer converts the tilt angle into a direct current signal,proportional to the angle. The output signal is either available as an analog signal in form of a currentchange or digitally with a CANopen or SSI bus interface.
Magnetoresistive angular position transmitters are extremely robust measuring systems without ashaft stop, fully hermetically encapsuled and capable of measuring contactless the angular positionof a permanent magnet, which is attached to the pendulum system.
Tilt angle values of a platform e.g. on cranes, heavy-duty vehicles, excavators and drilling machines,ships and offshore facilities stand for important measuring data as a part of the savety and controlsystem of that type of machinery. Angular measurement, for instance for equipment levelling isperformed in such cases.
For acquisition the angular position of a crane jib, lateral inclination of a vehicle, orientation of alifting platform, weir trap or comparable facilities, alignment of solar panels or concave mirrors theKINAX N702 can also be used.
Main features
• Simple connection with plug connector M12
• Absolut angular position is immediately available after switch on
• Versions non programmable and programmable
• Analogue or digital output signals in CANopen and SSI with M12-plug connector
Common applications
Solar energy plants
• Exact alignment of solar panels andparabolic mirrors
Throttle valves and slidegates of powerplants
• Exact acquisition of weir trap positions
Shipping and offshore plants
• Exact acquisition of the lateral inclinationof ships and offshore plants
• Exact acquisition of the position of a liftingplatform
Crane vehicles, fork-lift trucks and heavyduty vehicles
• Exact positioning of a crane jib
• Exact acquisition of the lateral inclinationof a vehicle
Dredgers and drilling equipment
• Exact acquisition and positioning ofdredger arms
• Exact acquisition of the lateral inclinationof a dredger or drill
